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DickMalott.com Autism Links

PSY 357: Autism Practicum

Language Facilitation Training System: Icon Exchange

Autism MA Program

Kalamazoo Autism Center

Autism Links

The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies Autism Section - an excellent overview of autism and behavior analysis.

ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia

The Autism Society of America (ASA)


Applied Behavior Analysis Links

The Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies - visit the section titled About Behavior Analysis.

Athabasca Univerisity's link page for Behavior Analysis and Learning - a collection of links about behavioral analysis.

Behavior Analysis, Inc - Behavior Analysis, Inc. (BAI) is one of the leading behavioral consulting companies in the world. BAI provides state-of-the-art education and behavioral treatment services to children, adolescents, and adults.

Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) - the international organization for behavior analysis.

The B.F. Skinner Foundation - a nice introduction to B.F. Skinner's life and work.

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