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Contingency Management Fan Mail


About a zillion years ago (1976 to be exact), I met a girl going to York College (CUNY) and one of the things she had was probably the original Behaviordelia workbook, the one with the insanely long name that i always just called Captain Con Man. 

Anyway, I wanted to thank you for creating it, especially in such an accessible way.turns out, I happened to be reading a neuropsychology book and the phrase "contingency management" jumped off the page.

I just wrote to the guy who made that webpage but the email bounced, so I got curious and then found you here in virutal-land. Though I was never even a psychology student back then, I've remembered all the concepts in that book quite clearly due to your unorthodox presentation. And as a semi-professional procrastinator most of my life, I've been chicken to even use some of those techniques because I was sure they would work. Or something.

Best regards,
David Fiedler


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