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Dick Malott's Deep Thoughts 










  • Save the world with behavior analysis.
  • Better living through behaviorism.
  • Nothing in moderation; if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing to excess.
  • The best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior.
  • If it feels too good, watch out, because it's liable to bite you in the butt, when you're not   looking.
  • Aversive control is your friend.
  • So's your Jewish mother
  • Preschool fatalism suggests that we need intensive early intervention for all kids on     all issues and that we will have to be satisfied with life-time performance management   after preschool.
  •   Hedonistic stoicism means that many seemingly stoic tasks, like daily exercise or sticking to a healthy diet, really have subtle hedonistic reinforcement contingencies hidden in them that can maintain that behavior, once you get into it.
  •  Humanistic behaviorism suggests that our best use of behavior analysis is to achieve humanistic goals and that we can best achieve humanistic goals by using behavior analysis.
  •  Thank God It's Monday
  •  It’s awesome to floss ‘em.
  •  If your gums bleed when you floss, you need to floss even more and see your dentist tomorrow.

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