« Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 1.5? | Main | Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 5 »

Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 1.5?

About 18 hrs Kzoo to Oslo. I hate flying, the longer the flights, the stronger the hate. I’ll never do it again.

I hate newness, like where do you stick your credit card, and what buttons do you push, and is this the right ticket to get me on the train from the airport to the the Radisson, and is it the Radisson I’m supposed to go to, and which door do I go through, and which train do I get on, and is this really my stop, and, and, and, ...

And then I step into the sunny center of Oslo. Holly shit this is great. What wonderful place has ABAi selected for our next international conference?

Then I spent a few hours taking care of essentials — getting my brand-new, bought-just-for-the-occasion, iPhone 3Gs synched for this time zone and its GPS Google map working. The highlight of my life to date, was when I then asked that wondrous machine to Find My Current Location in Satellite mode, looked out my 19th floor window and saw the same scene my satellited iPhone was seeing (see photo 13). Can life get better than that?

Then I had a power dinner (see photo 16) in my room (see photos 3-6) and started working on a talk for the conference. Going well—thus far, I’ve written a 14 minute intro for a 15 minute talk.

Please check out the photos at


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