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Notes from a Roving Radical Behaviorist: Europe: Day 23: Dinner in Carcassonne, France

Not reading French, I was surprised to find that the salad I ordered as my appetizer was covered with meat, which turned out to be duck, and also turned out to be quite good, to this vegetarian's palate.

I was also surprised to see a pet dog with one set of dinners. I’ve also been surprised to see that in the fancy breakfast buffet in Oslo, the customers would hold down the loaf of bread with their bare hands while cutting off a slice for themselves. In general the Europeans seem to have a much more relaxed, common sense approach to collective hygiene than we have in the states, where we always seem to be bureaucratically dealing with the worst-case scenario. Maybe I’ll move to Europe.

A variety of chesses were served as a traditional French desert. I liked them all, and I like cheese, but I’ll confess the differences are a little too subtle for me. Next time I’ll order their crème brulee.

Added a couple nice little street-music videos, one with Rod playing a bouzouki and the other by Devi playing a restrung African instrument, at 

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