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EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Christopher McDougle: Practical Psychopharmacology of the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Practical Psychopharmacology of the Autism Spectrum Disorder
  1. There are no medications approved for the treatment of the core symptoms of autism.
  2. Evaluation
    1. Often important to make sure there are no physical issues.
    2. Genetic testing can be important.
    3. Not usually doing EEG, CAT, or MRI
      1. And even though the EEG may be abnormal, but there is implications as to what to do about it.
  3. He seems concerned that they don’t have a sensory integration treatment program in their hospital
  4. Click here to be redirected to the Evernote to continue reading!

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