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Final Fiesta Project Guidelines

There is no final exam in PSY 1400. Instead, we do a final project. Your final project will consist of a paper and a presentation. You can do your project on ANYTHING you want as long as you meet the requirements.

Some cool ideas are: a movie, a play, animal training, a story, a poem, analyze a well-known story, a self-management project, an analysis of something you diagree with in the readings, an overall reaction to the course, etc. Get creative!

Your paper:
-Should include 8 definitions (words & meaning) & 5 contingency diagrams
-Should be 3-5 pages (single spaced)
-Should be typed

Your presentation:
-Should be 5-8 minutes
-Should include some kind of visual aid
-Posters should be on 22x28" poster board
-If you make a PowerPoint, be sure to review "How to Avoid a PowerPoint Disaster"

Diagram Template

How to Avoid a PowerPoint Disaster

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