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EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Laura Schriebman: Can't We All Get Along?: Combining Behavioral and Developmental Naturalistic Interventions for Young Children with Autism

Can't We All Get Along?: Combining Behavioral and Developmental Naturalistic Interventions for Young Children with Autism


  1. I was 20 min late.
    1. Getting caught up with conference postings on FaceBook from yesterday.
  2. With naturalistic approaches:
    1. The child always initiates each teaching episode.
      1. RWM: Need to know more about why.
        1. Is it because that means were dealing with something that’s reinforcing for the kid?
    2. Arrange the environment with tempting reinforcers.
    3. The reinforcers should be natural, not artificial. Don’t give Cheetos for the kid tacting “car”.
    4. Click here to be redirected to the Evernote to continue reading!

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