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EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: Symposium: New Developments in Dissemination, Application, and Measurement of Contemporary Behavior Therapies.Chair:Christopher A. Briggs (Western Michigan University)

  1. Evaluating a Therapist Training on Values-Based Behavioral Activation for Adolescent Depression. Julissa Duenas & Scott Gaynor (Western Michigan University)
    1. The training was effective.
  2. Motivational Interviewing: A One Day Workshop Training Study. Justin A. Moore & Scott Gaynor (Western Michigan University)
    1. I  Objective: Increasing positive statements of the client.
    2.    Increase reported self efficacy.
    3.    Workshop worked. 
  3. Motivational Interviewing and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Stepped-Care Approach to the Treatment of Adolescent Depression. Rachel Petts, Julissa Duenas, & Scott Gaynor (Western Michigan University)
  4. The Predictive Validity of the FIAT-Q. Daniel W. Maitland, Rebecca Rausch, Kellie Reynolds, & Scott Gaynor (Western Michigan University)

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