« EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Tiffany Kodak: Instructive Feedback | Main | EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Robert Pennington: Behavioral Intervention in the Public Schools »

EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: : ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Mark Sundberg: Verbal Behavior & Everyday Life

Verbal Behavior Instruction in Everyday Life
  1. People are learning behavioral procedures, unfortunately without learning the underlying principles of behavior.
  2. Gates vs. Jobs videos or
    1. Son-Rise vs. ABA on U-Tube.
  3. You can’t learn how to do it on the Internet. 
  4. Evidence-based is now the big self-aclaimed cliche. 
  5. Hypes the VB Map over ABELS because he now uses developmental info.
  6. Check out Lovaas’s Web site to see how the current approach is much different from the original one. 
  7. But we must hang on to the Principles of Behavior on which it’s all based. 
  8. ABAI has a developmental SIG; so ABAI needs to coordinate with them on the ABAI Bijou award.
  9. Traditional developmental psych doesn’t help much. 
  10. RWM: I’m not sure the typical developmental sequence should always dictate our curricular sequence. 
  11. RWM: Mark’s nailing it. 
  12. RWM: Discrete trial at the table is often the most effective, efficient procedure for teaching. And then it’s not that big a deal to get transfer and/or generalization to everyday life, if we just do it. 
  13. You can’t teach a typical kid everything he needs to learn through only incidental teaching.
  14. Marks, hates expressive and receptive, arguing that we need to stick with stick with the VB terms.
    1. RWM: Come on Mark, cut us a little slack. I and some of my coolest PhD students sometimes find it convenient to talk/write in terms of expressive and receptive, without becoming becoming cognitivists.
    2. Verbal Behavior isn’t the f-ing bible.
  15.  Nice video Mark pirated from his little brother, Carl, showing how a huge number of discrete trials can be integrated within away-from-the-table, everyday-ish activities.
    1. Is it fair to the competition to do videos with such cute kids?
  16. Don’t use the DT voice—cute.
  17. Referencing Hart & Risley quite a bit at least at the Wikipedia level. 
    1. Maybe we need to check them out again.
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