« EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: : ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Mark Sundberg: Verbal Behavior & Everyday Life | Main | EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist on Judge Rotenberg Center »

EverNotes from a Radical Behaviorist: ABAI Autism Conference 2014: Robert Pennington: Behavioral Intervention in the Public Schools

  1. Good news on the horizon
    1. Increased emphasis on 
      1. Data and accountability
      2. Research-based practice
    2. Behavior analysts are getting on to special ed faculties.
      1. In KY they will have four BCBA-prep programs.
  2. Whenever you can get on non-behavior analysis boards, do it.
  3. Be available for free consultation.
  4. Consultants must work with the administration and teachers, not just the kids.
  5. You can’t just tell the teachers what to do and then split.
  6. Go for low-hanging fruit to grab the staff.
  7. Think small.
  8. Train to fidelity
  9. You’ve got to hang in and make sure it’s working.
  10. RWM: Does consulting actually work; and if so, do the effects maintain?
    1. I don’t think the natural outcomes of using effective behavior technology maintains the difficult work of implementing that tech.
    2. What do the data show?

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